Our services


1/4AI solutions
Discover the future of translation with L.TXT.
Intelligent AI solutions that overcome boundaries
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2/4Language services
L.TXT extends the capacity of LSP with precise, culturally customised language services. Discover the partner who will take your language expertise to a new level.
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3/4Multilingual DTP
Precision design for language experts: Our multilingual DTP supports language service providers in transforming their translations into visually compelling documents - clear, consistent and culturally adapted.
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4/4Creative services
Creative brilliance for language professionals: Our creative services expand the portfolio of language service providers with unique content design and customised media design - so that your message stands out across every border.
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Who we work for


In the colorful world of languages, L.TXT is the invisible yet indispensable partner in the background for language service providers of all sizes and specializations. We understand the nuances and complexities that our clients face daily and offer them tailor-made solutions so they can focus on their core business.

Our clients: Language experts worldwide

From small, specialized translation offices to large, multinational companies – L.TXT collaborates with a variety of language service providers whoall pursue the same goal: flawless, fluent, and culturally appropriate language services.
Quality that sets standards
Our work is guided by international standards such as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 17100:2015 and ISO 18587:2017, guaranteeing consistent quality.
Technological Perfection
With our advanced AI and DTP solutions, we offer technical perfection reflected in every word and graphic.
Time Savings
Through our efficient processes and technologies, we significantly reduce project processing times, enabling our clients to optimally utilize their resources.
Scalable Solutions
Whether it's large projects or specific requirements, our services are designed to grow with our clients' needs.
Cultural Competence
Our services go beyond words, as we ensure that all translations are culturally adapted and optimized for the target market.
Data Protection and Confidentiality
We take the security and confidentiality of all projects very seriously and guarantee the protection of sensitive data.
Customized Service Packages
Our offers are flexible and individually tailored to the needs of our language service customers.
Transparent Communication
We keep our customers informed about every step of the process and are always available for inquiries.
Competitive Advantage
With L.TXT by their side, our customers can strengthen their market position and expand their customer base by extending their services.

Speed in simplicity


img Simply fast
Response to enquiry within

10 minutes
img Simply fast
Offer within

45 minutes
img Simply fast
Daily output up to

50 000 words
img Contact L.TXT
Let's overcome the language barriers together and take your services to a new level. Contact us today img and discover how we can turn your visions into reality together. img
Why wait when the future starts now?

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for the future?