Who we are


A network of
over 300 professionals
L.TXT - Your specialist for language service providers
At L.TXT, languages are our passion and supporting language service providers is our mission. In the complex and dynamic world of multilingualism, we are your strong partner in the background, specialising in increasing and optimising the success of translation companies of all sizes.
over 23 years
Our mission: Speak your language, expand your success
L.TXT is more than just a name. It is a promise of precision, quality and partnership. As a team of experienced linguists, technology enthusiasts and project management professionals, we combine years of expertise with a passion for languages. We specialise in providing first-class translation, DTP and AI-based localisation services tailored specifically to the needs of language service providers.
103418 Executed
Projects since 2014
Your strategic partner for language services
We are a specialised provider that focuses exclusively on supporting and empowering language service providers worldwide. In the multifaceted world of the language industry, we serve as the link that not only translates, but also conveys values - with precision, passion and professionalism.

What we stand for


1Our philosophy
In the world of words, every detail is crucial. At L.TXT, we aim to respect and preserve the precision and nuance of each language. Our philosophy is simple: We strive for excellence in every translation, in every project management process and in every client relationship. We believe that quality is non-negotiable, especially when it comes to the sensitive ecosystem of language services.

Our identity: Specialists for the specialists

In a globalised market where communication is the driving force, we understand the challenges that language service providers face. Our mission is to offer you not just services, but real solutions - solutions that make your work easier and take your services to a new level.

Our strengths: Technology meets talent

The combination of cutting-edge technology and selected expertise makes us the ideal partner for language service providers. Our services range from artificial intelligence in machine translation to masterfully executed DTP services that accurately capture the tone of your message.

Our goal: Your global springboard

With deep roots in the language industry and our sights firmly set on the future, our aim is to be the springboard into new markets for our partners. We help you to overcome barriers and make your services accessible worldwide - efficiently, effectively and always with that little bit of extra quality.

Our promise: Partnership at eye level

At L.TXT, we see ourselves as an extension of your team. Working with us means a transparent, trusting partnership in which we make your goals our own. Our commitment to your projects is unwavering and our aim is to offer you measurable added value.

Our invitation: Grow with us

We invite you to become part of a dynamic community dedicated to progress and prosperity in the field of language services. At L.TXT, you will not only find a service provider, but also a companion for your visions and ambitions in the linguistic field.
2 Our vision
Shaping the future, growing together

At L.TXT, we are visionaries. We not only look at the present, but also at tomorrow. We invest in technology, develop our expertise and adapt dynamically to the changing needs of the global language industry. In this way, we ensure that our customers - language service providers of all sizes and specialisations - are always one step ahead.
Revolutionising the language services industry through technology
Building a global network of excellent specialists
Creating sustainable value for our customers and society
Education and development
Customer-orientated innovation
Excellence in every interaction
Integration of AI and humanity
Customer orientation
Promotion of intercultural communication
Connecting precision img in any language
3 Our values
Our values: The foundation of L.TXT

At L.TXT, our values are more than just words; they are the pillars on which our company and our services rest. They guide us in our daily interactions, decisions and the way we do business. These values are the essence of what it means to be part of the L.TXT family - both for our employees and for our partners and customers in the language services industry.
  • Excellence and quality

    Perfection in every sentence: We always strive for the highest quality in our translations, DTP services and AI-supported services. Our certifications are a reflection of our commitment to excellence and our relentless search for improvement.

  • Integrity and trust

    Trusting partnerships: Our relationships with language service providers are based on transparency, honesty and ethical behaviour. We keep our promises and maintain open communication as the foundation for long-term trust.

  • Customer-centricity

    Focus on needs: Our customers – the language service providers – are at the centre of everything we do. We listen, learn and adapt our services to provide customised solutions that meet your specific requirements.

  • Working in partnership

    Strong together: We believe in the power of collaboration. Bringing together different areas of expertise creates synergies that enable our customers to realise their full potential.

  • Sustainability and social responsibility

    For a better world: Sustainable action and social responsibility are important to us. We conduct our business with environmental and social considerations in mind and support the communities in which we operate.

  • Flexibility and adaptability

    Ready for change: The language industry is dynamic, and so are we. We adapt quickly to new trends, markets and customer needs in order to remain relevant and forward-looking at all times.

  • Respect and diversity

    A global team: In a multicultural world, we value diversity in languages, cultures and ideas. We foster an environment of respect and inclusion in which every contribution is valued.

Unsere Dienstleistungen


Unsere KI-Lösungen sind das digitale Rückgrat für Sprachdienstleister. Mit fortschrittlichen Algorithmen, die lernen, adaptieren und optimieren, stellen wir sicher, dass Ihre Übersetzungs- und Lokalisierungsdienste nicht nur schneller und effizienter werden, sondern auch präziser. Vom maschinellen Lernen bis zur semantischen Analyse – unsere Technologie ist der unsichtbare Held hinter Ihrer Serviceexzellenz. Setzen Sie auf KI, die die sprachliche Präzision feiert und dabei die menschliche Kreativität unterstützt.
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Sprachdienstleistungen, die den Ton angeben: Als Spezialisten in der Welt der Worte bieten wir Sprachdienstleistern ein Orchester an Dienstleistungen, das jedes Sprachprojekt in eine Symphonie verwandelt. Unser Angebot reicht von der feinen Kunst der Übersetzung bis zur technischen Perfektion der Lokalisierung. Wir verstehen die Nuancen jeder Sprache und geben Ihnen die Werkzeuge an die Hand, die Sie benötigen, um jede sprachliche Herausforderung mit Bravour zu meistern. Partner von L.TXT zu sein bedeutet, auf eine Palette von Sprachdienstleistungen zurückgreifen zu können, die so vielfältig und dynamisch ist wie die Sprachen, mit denen Sie arbeiten.
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Mehrsprachiges DTP
Mehrsprachiges DTP
In der Welt des mehrsprachigen Desktop-Publishing (DTP) versteht L.TXT, dass unsere Kunden – die Sprachdienstleister – wahre Meister in der Übersetzungskunst sind. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihre meisterhaften Übersetzungen mit ebenso exzellentem Layout und Design zu umrahmen. Wir sorgen dafür, dass Ihre mehrsprachigen Dokumente nicht nur inhaltlich, sondern auch visuell beeindrucken. Von der Typografie bis zum Seitenaufbau, wir passen jedes Detail an die kulturellen Nuancen des Zielmarktes an, um Ihre Übersetzungen in bestem Licht erscheinen zu lassen. Vertrauen Sie uns Ihr DTP an, und wir machen es zum nahtlosen, überzeugenden Teil Ihres Gesamtpakets an Sprachdienstleistungen
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Kreative Dienstleistungen
Kreative Dienstleistungen
Bei L.TXT wissen wir, dass Sprachdienstleister wie Sie mehr als nur Worte übersetzen – Sie gestalten Brücken zwischen Kulturen und Märkten. Unsere kreativen Dienstleistungen sind speziell darauf ausgerichtet, Ihre Expertise zu unterstützen und zu ergänzen. Wir bieten Ihnen kreative Kraftpakete, die von Marketinglokalisierung bis hin zu transkreativen Texten reichen, um Ihre Übersetzungsprojekte mit Kreativität und kultureller Intelligenz zu veredeln. Egal, ob es darum geht, eine Werbekampagne neu zu erfinden oder eine Branding-Strategie anzupassen – wir sind die unsichtbare Hand, die Ihre Dienste unverwechselbar macht. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Kreativexperten, um Ihrem Endkunden ein unvergleichliches Spracherlebnis zu liefern.
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Our ISO certifications


At L.TXT, we are committed to the highest quality and the continuous improvement of our services. Our ISO certifications are not just awards; they are the foundation of our way of working and a promise to our partners in the language services industry. Here is an overview of the standards we fulfil:
ISO 9001:2015 - Quality management
ISO 17100:2015 - Translation services
ISO 18587:2017 - Post-editing of machine translation
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for the future?